As we have seen in recent years, Microsoft is now fully embracing open source. Indeed, the company’s developer events are taking an ever-increasing focus on open solutions. With that in mind, the release of three Windows UX frameworks to GitHub makes sense. There frameworks are Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, and Windows UI XAML Library (WinUI). By open sourcing these frameworks, Microsoft is giving developers the ability to actively contribute to feature creations. Additionally, third-parties can now debug the frameworks and provide an fixes when needed. Microsoft says WPF is not complete open just year, with only smaller components available at the moment. However, Windows Forms and WinUI are completely open and available right now.

.NET Foundation

Microsoft also revealed it is open sourcing the governance and participation of .NET Foundation. The .NET Foundation is an independent organization that promotes open development and collaboration around the .NET ecosystem. The organization was founded in March 2014 by Microsoft. By open sourcing the foundation, outside sources can now help to guide the direction of the organization. Microsoft also introduced Pivotal, Progress Telerik, and Insight Enterprises to the foundation. Additionally, the .NET Foundation board has expanded to seven seats, with elections to begin in January. Microsoft says any person who has had any contribution with the foundation can vote. The company says it wants to scale growth of .NET by leveraging the open source community.

Microsoft Open Sources Windows UX Frameworks and  NET Foundation - 65Microsoft Open Sources Windows UX Frameworks and  NET Foundation - 70Microsoft Open Sources Windows UX Frameworks and  NET Foundation - 42Microsoft Open Sources Windows UX Frameworks and  NET Foundation - 67Microsoft Open Sources Windows UX Frameworks and  NET Foundation - 47