If you are also one of those users encountered a performance issue on windows 10 computer, such as system freezes running slow or svchost.exe process high CPU usage Here we have enlisted some solutions that should come in handy and, hopefully, relieve you of this annoyance.
Fix wuauserv high CPU usage in Windows 10
There are several reasons that can cause this issue such as a virus malware infection, buggy Windows update, system files get corrupted, missing or may the update database get corrupted etc. Whatever the reason here this post we have different solutions you can try to fix this problem.
1 Fix wuauserv high CPU usage in Windows 101.1 Run window update troubleshooter1.2 Reset windows update components1.3 Stop wuauserv
Start with basic perform a full system scan with the latest updated antivirus application. To make sure any virus/malware infections not causing 100% CPU, Disk usage issue. If you have notice Windows 10 High CPU usage while the download and install Windows updates we recommend wait a few more minutes and let the download process to complete Also open Windows update and check if there any windows updates pending for install.
Press Windows + I keyboard shortcut to open the settings app,Click on Update & security than Windows update,hit check for updates button to download and install pending updates (if available)Next, restart your PC to apply them,Now check if there is no more high CPU usage on Windows 10.
Run system file checker utility to make sure any corrupted system files, not causing the issue.
Open the command prompt as administrator,Type sfc /scannow and hit enter key.
Running SFC utility check for missing system files, if found any the utility restore them from a compressed folder located on %WinDir%\System32\dllcache. Again if SFC fails to repair corrupted system files Run the DISM command to repair the system image and enable sfc to do its job. After performing these actions Restart your windows and check the problem solved.
Run window update troubleshooter
Windows 10 has a built-in troubleshooter to check and fix issues with windows update related problems. As wuauserv is a window update related service we would suggest you run this troubleshooter to check it helps to reduce the system resource usage. To run the windows update troubleshooter on Windows 10:
Click start menu search type troubleshoot and hit the enter key.Then click on windows update and run the troubleshooter.This will start to diagnose the Windows update problems, which include check if windows update and its related services running, check if update database corrupted and more.Wait until the update troubleshooter completes the diagnose process.After that restart windows and check CPU usage reduced
Reset windows update components
This is another best solution to fix most of the windows update related problems and reactive stuck wuauserv on windows 10. Simply open the command prompt as administrator and stop windows update and its related services running the command below (one by one)
net stop wuauserv” (To stop Windows update service)net stop bits” (To stop BITs service.)
Then navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\download and delete all files and folders inside the download folder. To do this use keyboard shortcut ctrl + a to select all and hit the del key to delete them.
Again open the command prompt (admin) and perform the command
“net start wuauserv” (to start Windows update service)“net start bits” (To start BITS service) that which you previously disabled.
Restart windows and check There is no more high system resource usage.
Stop wuauserv
If none of the methods above works for you, you can temporarily stop the wuauserv service. This will free the computer resources it uses for the time being. Then you can install the system updates manually or wait until Microsoft releases the next updates. Note: WUAUSERV is only run when Windows Update is running. It’s not an essential service, which you can quickly disable to speed up your Windows computer. To disable the wuauserv service
Press Windows + R keyboard shortcut, type services.msc and click okThis will open Windows services console,Scroll down and locate windows update service,Right click on Windows update service select properties,Here Change startup type Disable and stop the service next to service status.click apply and ok to save changes.
That’s all restart windows and check system running smoothly, there is no more High CPU usage or 100% disk usage by wuauserv service.
Also, Disabling Disable Background Running Apps From Settings click on privacy. Then go to the last option in the left panel Background apps. Here switch off toggles to turn off background apps you don’t need or use. Again form Start > Settings > System > Notifications & actions and toggle off Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows. helpful to fix the high System resource usage problem on Windows 10 PC.
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These are some best solutions to fix windows update process (WUAUSERV) High CPU usage in Windows 10. have any query, suggestion about this post feel free to discuss on comments below. Also, read How to Repair/rebuild Master Boot Record (MBR) on Windows 10/8.1